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His gorgeous physique is 100% steroid-free, and Peter continues to show others how to achieve amazing results with proper nutrition and a rigid but sensible exercise regime.

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#List most muscular gay male porn stars how to# Spencer Reed is an award-winning pornstar who has worked with some of gay porn’s most respected studios and websites. He’s also a bodybuilder and a hustler – and he recently began a new career as a house and techno DJ. Kyle King debuted in the Hot House Backroom and was a Hot House exclusive for many years. His first film was King Size and he then went on to headline at least eight Hot House titles. He has won numerous awards and continues to be one of gay porn’s most recognizable names. You can follow Kyle on Twitter MAN NATE KARLTONĬOLT Exclusive Nate Karlton has become one of COLT’s most popular models.

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